Boxing Day leg stretch

Gib botanical gardens lema watch

For a Boxing Day leg stretch we headed over into Gibraltar again, this time going to the Botanical Gardens 🌴🌳 We did the British thing and had a picnic lunch on a bench in the sunshine.
Following this we visited the AWCP (Alameda Conservation Wildlife Park) in the botanic gardens. It’s a park dedicated to caring for the animals that have been confiscated by Gibraltar customs, unwanted exotic pets, and visiting species from international zoos to highlight endangered animals. It’s a real menagerie including tamarins, macaws, lemurs, bats, pot bellied pigs, otters and rabbits.
One of the lemurs was very interested in his reflection in Dave’s watch.
The animals are all well cared for here and it’s doing a good job of highlighting the stories of illegal animal transportation that are still very much ongoing.
Our day ended with a trip to Morrison’s for some important British cereal and biscuit purchasing.

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