Torrent Neuf

Neuf Torrent - Emma on bridge

We spent 4 nights up at an aire near the Torrent Neuf walk.
The walk was originally created in 1430 as a way of getting water from the river to the land. Originally the workers (men & women) would run the water course along the mountain edge balancing only on scaffold planks.
Our plan was to get up early and tackle the walk – Em has a bit of an issue with heights, so we’d start it and see how we get on!
From the aire it’s a 30 minute walk sharply uphill to the start. You begin the walk through the pine trees along the watercourse. The path starts to hug the edge of the mountain, and around a bend you reach the first suspension bridge. Em was straight on the bridge – her theory being that if you don’t think about it, it will be easier. She talked herself to the other side. We carried on round the mountain,
At the second suspension bridge, Em paused to have a little think, then went for it, got to the other side, but a full panic attack followed! We went on a bit further, but Em decided to turn back and get the bridges over and done with asap! The walk is definitely not for people who have any small issue with heights!! A cycle the next day, down into the valley and back up the other side, allowed us to see the bridges from below…they were definitely high!!

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