Lago dOrta island view

Stop at Lago d’Orta

Made a stop at Lago d’Orta, one of the smaller lakes in the Italian Lakes near to Lake Maggiore. The motorhome stop is at theRead More

Mole Antonelliana - Turin city scape

Turin in a day

Bus from local town near campsite to centre.Tried to go up the really tall Intesa Sanpaolo building, but it isn’t open to the public untilRead More

Monets garden

Monet’s house and gardens

Getting some tourist sights in on our route – Monet’s house and gardens 👨‍🎨 If you’re in a motorhome you can stop in the motorhomeRead More

Longleat visit

Our first tour begins!

The van is packed, our final possessions that aren’t coming with us have gone, and we’ve said some tearful goodbyes. Our first tour begins!We didn’tRead More