Tourzel – cow herding

Didn’t move very far, about 15 minutes along the road, but back into countryside after our night in town. A tiny little village called Tourzel. Lovely walking and cycling around here. Went for a walk around some of the little volcanic mounds. We met some escaped cows on our way out and waved at a local farmer to report the cows, they weren’t his though and with a French ‘bof’ shrug and a smile he carried on with his day. We carried on with our walk, loving the old villages and the views from the hills. On our way back we re-met the escapees, lying down in the lane, luckily this time the real farmer was just arriving in the scene, so we helped herd the mini herd back to a safer field πŸ„πŸƒπŸ‚πŸ„

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