When things go wrong

I know, I know – haven’t we drilled enough holes in the van?! Well, no.
And this next one was going to be an easy task compared to some of the holes we’ve drilled in the van.
And maybe that’s why it went wrong! 😣
Dave was even having a lie down while working – an easy task of installing an external electric point on the van.
However…Dave’s safety goggles weren’t good enough and while drilling a tiny, tiny, tiny piece of metal came off and floated itself around the glasses and planted itself firmly onto Dave’s eyeball.
We spent time trying to wash it out of his eye, but when it was no better we went off to minor A&E. It was a relatively short wait, about 4 hours in the end, they fished out the offending piece of metal and off home we went with some eye repair gunk.
That’s not the end of it though. After an overnight and waking up to a severely red & sore eye we decided that a follow up visit was needed to a larger A&E. At the A&E eye clinic they confirmed that the metal piece was gone, but a rust ring had formed on the eyeball and needed scraping off with a ginormous needle 😓
Moral of the story – wear good safety gear 🤓

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