Just when you think all is going to plan…

your windows start to leak and your build has to go on hold πŸ™

Yes, we discovered that if rain was blowing at the van in the right direction then water would somehow get in on the two small side windows.
The water entered the frames, travelled down the edge of the frame and dripped out of the lower left hand corner, soaking into our carefully built wooden frames.
Of course water coming in means you can’t add any of the insulation/wiring around that area until it’s sorted out.
We did various tests on advice of the window manufacturers and their recommended service engineers.
And our investigations led us to believe that on both windows the seals were dodgy, along with at least one of the windows having a hinge issue.
We won’t go into full details, but after many email swaps the manufacturers agreed that the windows needed replacing.
Having spent the amount of time we did fitting the windows, we weren’t too eager to spend lots of time removing the windows and then re-fitting them. So we searched for someone local who would be able to do it for us.
We were treated to a masterclass in watching our lovingly installed windows get removed. Heat gun to re-warm the window sealant & use a plastic chisel to lever them out. Remove the left behind sealant with a knife blade, then re-install the windows.
Lots of pretend rain hosing the new windows once the sealant had set and we’re back on with the build 🚐

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