Neo on lead

Miffed Rabbit

Someone was a bit miffed that we picked Poppy as the glamourous bun of the van!

Melting heat parked in shade

Hottest day

Thought we ought to mention the temperatures we’ve just been living in! The hottest day we’ve had has shown 41 on the temperature gauge 😥🌞🔥Read More

Parked at Stella Plage Aire

Find the Dave 😃

This is Stella Plage camping car aire.Unfortunately the aire was full when we first arrived, so we parked up on the beach front and startedRead More

Canterbury park and ride

Stop before the tunnel

Great overnight stop before the tunnel – fee for the park and ride is your overnight charge. It meant we got to spend the dayRead More

Van at Tudor Arms campsite

First week of stops

Here are our first week of stops on the way to the tunnel…went to a variety of places, finding places via google searches, on theRead More

Longleat visit

Our first tour begins!

The van is packed, our final possessions that aren’t coming with us have gone, and we’ve said some tearful goodbyes. Our first tour begins!We didn’tRead More