Parked at Stella Plage Aire

Find the Dave πŸ˜ƒ

This is Stella Plage camping car aire.Unfortunately the aire was full when we first arrived, so we parked up on the beach front and startedRead More

Longleat visit

Our first tour begins!

The van is packed, our final possessions that aren’t coming with us have gone, and we’ve said some tearful goodbyes. Our first tour begins!We didn’tRead More

Van parked up in field

First test night

First test night out in our van 😁🚐 Staying closer to where we’re living and booking at campsite so that there were facilities if weRead More

Truma control

Monitors and gauges

For each of our van monitors/gauges we’ve made bespoke surrounds out of our left over 15mm ply.Each one has either 2 or 3 layers ofRead More


How about a shower

We haven’t installed a shower in our bathroom – not sure a damp shower atmosphere would be good for the compost in the toilet πŸ€”WeRead More