
Another nice stop off at the motorhome aire in Yenne. This little town has a old waterway that the town have renovated running through it’sRead More


Found a nice little aire to stop at in the town of Givry. It’s right on a cycling route where you can cycle through theRead More

Jet Planes 🛩

Here’s an interesting one folks! We headed South and decided to make a stop off at a chateau in Savigny-lès-Beaune. At the chateau you canRead More


An overnight took us to a great little aire by the canal in Joinville. With an afternoon free we popped into town to visit theRead More

Avoiding motorways

Avoiding the motorways and travelling down the national roads through France 🚐

First stop

First stop Stella Plage.There’s a motorhome aire right behind the dunes. It’s perfect for a morning run along the beach before getting in the vanRead More


A new tour

Well hi, it’s been a while! Van’s been cleaned, packed and ready to hit the road.

Neo in Easter socks

Nobody panic

…the Easter bunny is on his way 🐇

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