
It seems we’ve fallen into the short hop stop – for us, it’s a bit of a danger of van life – FOMO! You see somewhere of interest on the map and you decide that it’s worth popping to, while you’re in the vicinity.
Either way, we time this stop well – arriving in the medieval village of Besse as it was about to have its regional fete weekend for the first time in 4 years. So we decide settle for a few days. They have a cycle circuit “Autour du Massif du Sancy” so Dave dutifully hopped on his bike to complete it, and snuck some extra on top to round it up.
The village centre is full of small cobbled streets and old houses, surrounded by lovely walks out into the countryside.
Although it rained on the morning of the fete all the town were out enjoying the music, wearing regional costumes and happy soaking up the atmosphere.

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