

Ater parking the van at Gelves marina, we caught the bus into Seville.
Our day started at the Real Alcazar. It’s a beautiful building, with intricate decoration, tranquil gardens and plenty of history. However, I think we’ve been trained by the National Trust to have rooms decked out for us with original historical furniture and fabrics, so to walk into empty room after empty room and read the information of major events that took place there, sometimes falls a bit flat.
Across from the Alcazar is Sevilla cathedral with its Giralda tower. You climb 35 ramps to get to the top of the tower to see the views across the city with the cathedral bells hanging over your head. In the main cathedral you also get to see the “possible” tomb of Christopher Columbus.
Wandering through little cobbled streets, we came to our next stop – an old stationery shop, we can’t go to a big city and miss out on proper counter service for high quality paper and pens.
Just along the road was Las Setas de Sevilla, it’s an enormous wooden structure. Catch the lift to the top and take the walkways that snake over the structure and give you more views over the city.
Found a veggie restaurant for lunch – but not choosing the specials of the day, we ended up with off the shelf meals that were a bit disappointing – we’ll keep trying… Big finale of the city before we caught the bus back to the marina was a visit to the Plaza de España where we watched some street flamenco.
We loved Seville, a beautiful city.

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