The poo bucket

Poo bucket empty

A little update for you. The poo bucket has been emptied ๐Ÿ’ฉ
For it’s first load, it took 6 weeks’ worth of poo (we’re not using it every day, we try to use public toilets when we can). We won’t lie, it didn’t smell much at all. Just like a peaty compost.
We spent quite a bit of time finding some more coco bricks to be able to replace the coconut fibre we’ve been using, we were going to try the rabbit litter, but some feedback said that it may not be as good for smell control. So we sourced some coco bricks in Grenoble and got enough to cover us for the next few months.
Seriously impressed with the performance so far! ๐Ÿšฝ๐Ÿ˜š

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