We’re not going to be alone in the van

Rabbits, Poppy & Neo

there are two small inhabitants coming with us, Poppy & Neo, our house rabbits šŸ°šŸ‡ They’re getting on a bit in years, they’ll be 9 this year.
We debated for a long time about whether they should come with us. We didn’t want to leave them, and (we think)they’re happier with us around, they like socialising. We know all their little mannerisms and when they’re not well – fun nights have been spent sitting up rubbing their tummies and feeding them chilled chamomile tea when they’re feeling under the weather.
Neo had major teeth issues (genetic malocclusion which got so bad he was having his teeth filed once every 3 weeks), so had his front teeth removed when he was about 5, he still doesn’t seem aware they’re gone. But it does mean that he can only eat grass that’s been picked for him, or food chopped up for him. He gets a bit uncomfortable when put out on grass.
They both use a litter tray, and we’ve been getting them used to wearing little harnesses, so we can take them out when we’re stopped in the van.
They will have free run of the van, so we’ve been doing a LOT of rabbit proofing. Poppy makes up for Neo’s lack of teeth by happily chewing through cables – loss of cables to date: one hoover, two laptop, several mobile. She has a knack of sniffing them out.
Rabbits don’t need a passport like cats, dogs and ferrets. But we’ve made sure they’re up to date with all vaccinations.
We have a ‘grass bag’ that we carry with us, so that we can pick grass and dandelions each day, as a rabbity treatā€¦and saves on us buying lots of timothy hay in.
The wood litter pellets that they use can also be used in our composting toilet – handy!

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