I’m on the loo 😁

Airhead Toilet

We’ve installed a toilet in the van.
We weren’t really keen on the idea of a chemical toilet.
After lots of research, and watching some brilliant videos from @thefitrv about their composting toilet and their cassette toilet test, we had made our decision – we were going waterless!
We’ve opted for an Air Head toilet, with a marine small seat size, so it takes up a bit less room.
Your wee and poo are separated. Your wee goes into a container at the front of the toilet, which you can empty regularly. The poo goes into a tub at the rear of the toilet, along with some coconut husk/wood litter which you stir with a built in stirrer to ‘agitate’ it, helping it decompose.
A fan runs from the poo-zone out of the side of the van, to make sure any excess moisture is kept out of it. This means that any smells coming out of it will be like fresh soil…nothing wiffy!
The idea is that two people who use the solids tank full time will only need to empty it once a month.
Once we’ve properly christened the toilet we’ll do a write up on it 🚐🚽

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