
We’ve got some swivel action going in the van.
The layout of the van means we’re going to swivel the two front seats so that we can create a 4 seater dining area around a table.

First step was to remove the original double passenger seats.
This was a case of unbolting 2 bolts – surely not that easy 🤔 ?! But yes, it was. Unbolt it and lift it out.

We then bought:
– An extra single seat to replace the double passenger seats – thank you eBay!
– A central turn swivel base for the driver’s seat.
– An offset swivel base for the passenger seat.

Both swivel bases have different handles for the swivel action, and different ways of mounting. It was mainly a case of bolting on the lower half of the swivel base, followed by bolting on the upper half. Then you slide the seat back on and you’re ready to have some fun spinning around.

Top tips
– Have translator ready, one set of our swivel base instructions were in German – always fun trying to figure out what you’re doing with a Sitzuntergestell and Drehkonsole aufsetzen.
– Make sure to unplug the right electrics under the seats – some are for the seat belt, others can be for the alarm and if detached incorrectly on our van could have caused it to have a bit of a meltdown.

Teaser for future post – wait till you see what fun and games we have with the spare double seat…

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