Karst track mountain view

Karst track walk

While up at Font d’Urle we went on the recommended Karst track walk.It’s around a 2 hour walk at the top of the cliffs, exploringRead More

Font dUrle Donkey

Font d’Urle

Spent a night up at Font d’Urle and this chap was next to the motorhome aire, he brayed throughout the night to reassure us heRead More

Vassieux butterflys

Vassieux en Vercors

We found a large aire in Vassieux en Vercors, and thought we’d just be stopping in a large car park on the outskirts of aRead More

Sticker wall started

Sticker wall

We’ve started our souvenir sticker wall ๐Ÿš

Neo on lead

Miffed Rabbit

Someone was a bit miffed that we picked Poppy as the glamourous bun of the van!

Lego corner

The Lego shelf

Thought it was about time we showed you some corners of the van, here’s the Lego shelf.We’ve got Chewie, Dave as a minifig, Harry PotterRead More

Dave river swimming Grane Farm

Open air happy pig farm

An open air happy pig farm ๐Ÿท๐Ÿ– with river to swim in when it’s a bit hot ๐ŸŒžAnother lovely France Passion overnight, this time atRead More

Arch at Lavaudieu

Narrow lanes

Emma’s feeling pretty pleased with herself for managing to drive the van through some narrow lanes and this archway after sat nav took us onRead More