Overnight overcrowding

An overnight in Raventin-Vaugris. We weren’t sure if we might explore the area more from here, but after being the second camper van to arriveRead More

Village of Chasselay

A stop in the pretty little village of Chasselay. The area has a lovely way of decorating the houses with rows of large round pebbles.Read More

Lans en Vercors

A great place to stop, definitely a new favourite to return to – lots of great walking and cycling routes. We met a lovely BritRead More

A quick dip

Made the move west into the Vercor region, stopping for the night by the lake at Laffrey. Dave went for a swim in the lake.Read More

A day in the saddle

A cycle day took us up Col du Glandon and Col de la Croix de Fer. Got to see a lot of marmots nibbling awayRead More


Another nice stop off at the motorhome aire in Yenne. This little town has a old waterway that the town have renovated running through it’sRead More


Found a nice little aire to stop at in the town of Givry. It’s right on a cycling route where you can cycle through theRead More

Avoiding motorways

Avoiding the motorways and travelling down the national roads through France 🚐

Lake swim - St Theoffrey

Swim in a chilly

A sunny day means a swim in a chilly lake and hanging out in a car park with a bull and his lady friends πŸ‚πŸ„πŸ„

Allevard dolphin fountain

Chap riding his dolphin

Met this little chap riding his dolphin in Allevard.Stayed in the camping car aire by the lake, for a couple of nights. Relaxing, going forRead More