DVLA approval

Great news

Our application to the DVLA to update the van to a ‘motor caravan’ was approved 🚐The application involved writing a covering letter and sending receiptsRead More

Goodbye drill

What your van looks like when you explode the neighbour’s drill half way through drilling a ginormous hole for a window corner πŸ€”πŸšπŸ’₯


We’ve got some swivel action going in the van.The layout of the van means we’re going to swivel the two front seats so that weRead More

Installing a floor

An early task on the van was to get a floor installed – the main floor of the van is ridged metal – not veryRead More

Maggie and I visiting Sheffield Park and Gardens

How do I decide on the right van?

Well, size IS apparently everything! With Dave hanging around at 6ft3, we quickly realised by watching video’s posted by other campers who had their bedsRead More