It fits, ready to paint

Bulkhead finish

Once all the walls and raised floor were in, we could fit the frame around the bulkhead to finish it off.Two sections on each sideRead More

From garage to van

Garage dividing wall

Our garage storage area is under the bed in the van – but we didn’t want it open to the main area of the vanRead More

The doors of the van

The doors of the van needed to have some covering, but they couldn’t have walls like the rest of the van – we needed toRead More

Drip, drip, drip

When you’re new to owning a van, you realise on a rainy day that the area by your sliding door becomes very wet every timeRead More

We can fit some walls

The floor’s in, the ceiling’s in, so we can fit some walls in.Because we don’t like to make life easy, we decided to put theRead More

We have power 🌞

Well, not until they’re connected, but the solar panels are part of the ship, part of the crew.We drilled holes through the frame edges toRead More

When things go wrong

I know, I know – haven’t we drilled enough holes in the van?! Well, no.And this next one was going to be an easy taskRead More

Moving on to the ceiling

With the floor installed, we could move on to the ceiling.We’ve gone with very thin ply (3mm) so that it doesn’t weigh a lot andRead More