Guggenheim Dog


Spent a couple of days in Bilbao.Excellent motorhome parking at the youth hostel, which allows you to use all their facilities and have breakfast beforeRead More

Caves of El Castillo - dodgy bear statue

Puenta San Miguel

Made a stop at Puenta San Miguel. From here you can visit the caves of El Castillo and Las Monedas.With the tour of both cavesRead More

Sign at Playa de la Griega

Dinosaur footprints

On the north coast of Spain you get to visit a real treat – Dinosaur footprints!Following the sign at Playa de la Griega you walkRead More

Vets near Tapia de Casariego

Hospital Veterinario

Here’s where we spent a couple of hours recently.When you’re travelling things don’t always go smoothly and Neo developed a cloudy eye over a coupleRead More

Cathedral Cliffs - Playa das Catedrais

Back in Spain

Add the ‘H’ again, we’re back in Spain. Hola 👋We spent the night at Playa de as Catedrais. The beach is known for its toweringRead More

Soajo granite granaries

Last stop in Portugal

Our last stop in Portugal, and it was a great choice. Soajo is a little village perched up in the hills of the Peneda-Gerês NationalRead More

Bom Jesus

Bom Jesus

After Guimaraes we made an overnight stop at the bottom of the Bom Jesus steps.These 577 steps were built in the early 1800s and takeRead More

Guimaraes old castle


Guimaraes was our next stopping point, and it did not disappoint. With a castle and palace, we had a good time sightseeing.

Porto view from south of river


Another day, another city. This time we were checking out Porto. As usual we parked up outside of the city, so got to catch theRead More