Lac d’Aubusson

Next stop was lac d’Aubusson. They have a massive camping car aire of which we were the only inhabitants for night one. We had theRead More

Overnight overcrowding

An overnight in Raventin-Vaugris. We weren’t sure if we might explore the area more from here, but after being the second camper van to arriveRead More

Village of Chasselay

A stop in the pretty little village of Chasselay. The area has a lovely way of decorating the houses with rows of large round pebbles.Read More

Lans en Vercors

A great place to stop, definitely a new favourite to return to – lots of great walking and cycling routes. We met a lovely BritRead More

A quick dip

Made the move west into the Vercor region, stopping for the night by the lake at Laffrey. Dave went for a swim in the lake.Read More

More Bourg

Had a weeks camping at one of the campsites in Bourg d’Oisans. We do love it around here, so moved into one of the townRead More

Musée Jour

Paid a visit to the Musée des Minéraux et de la Faune des Alpes. Really interesting collection of minerals/quartz with information about how the crystalsRead More

Van intruder!

Bit blurry, but someone decided to have a quick nose around the van before he was swiftly shown the exit when he started wafting hisRead More

A day in the saddle

A cycle day took us up Col du Glandon and Col de la Croix de Fer. Got to see a lot of marmots nibbling awayRead More

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