
Guggenheim Dog

Spent a couple of days in Bilbao.
Excellent motorhome parking at the youth hostel, which allows you to use all their facilities and have breakfast before heading off round the city.
Walking into the centre, you get to pass right in front of the San Mames football stadium.
First stop was the old town, and past the Zubizuri Bridge. Tried some of the Pintxos bar snacks – little rounds of bread with various toppings.
Of course we had to pay a visit to the Guggenheim. Its various external art pieces and the architecture of the building are brilliant. We really enjoyed part of the interior exhibitions, although a couple of the permanent exhibitions left us a bit flat – but that is art.
Stopped for an excellent pizza lunch at Coppola before going through the Azkuna Zentroa cultural centre to see it’s internal buildings on decorated columns.
Top purchase of the day was Em buying herself a skateboard. The skateboard shop staff were really good and built the board with Em’s specially chosan deck.
Moral of the day is – when you want to try something in life, don’t put it off, give it a go.

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