Lisbon tram

We do like to squeeze in our city visits every so often, and when we do, we fit in as much as we can for the day, Lisbon was no exception.
We parked up at the port at Seixal & caught the ferry across to Lisbon.
First stop a trip to a cafe for a Portuguese custard tart and freshly squeezed orange juice.
We then made our way uphill – with the handy use of public elevators – to Lisbon castle. It’s a castle with history of human habitation from the 8th Century BC, it has plenty of walls to clamber up and down to explore & see the views all over the city. There’s an extra set of stairs that take you to St Laurences Tower which would have been access to a well or a safe escape/access route in times of siege. Everyone else decided to avoid the extra stairs, but we’re Brits so had to get our money’s worth touring every nook and cranny 😁
From the castle we popped around the corner to the Roman amphitheatre remains to have a look before we caught the oldest tram in the city, number 28, to the dockside – sharing the tram with 3 cheeky stowaways hanging onto the outside for dear life. From here we popped into the market for lunch before catching another tram to the Statue of Explorers and walked along to the Tower of Belem.
After catching the tram back to one of the main plazas we found a kiosk to grab some tea before the ferry trip back to the bunnies… who were still asleep 🙄
As ever when we visit a city, there’s never enough time, but we’ll be back.

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