Turin in a day

Mole Antonelliana - Turin city scape

Bus from local town near campsite to centre.
Tried to go up the really tall Intesa Sanpaolo building, but it isn’t open to the public until later in September. Walked through the Royal Palace to get to the church with the Turin shroud… you see a casing for it, you’re only allowed to see the real thing on special days.
Walk through the 1st century Roman Porta Palatina doorway – although as it was not marked in any way you’d never have known!
Walk through markets to street food market and had good lunch. Courgette spaghetti with tomatoes and guacamole, Bolognese polenta cone, pasta cake and fries.
Caught the lift up the Mole Antonelliana building to get some fantastic views across the city. Then went round the cinema museum underneath… which left us a bit flat, even though Dave enjoyed being eaten by Jack Nicholson.
A quick walk to the park and around the medieval village, then a tram back to the start.
Rounding off the day by going to find pizza.
Top tip – pre plan your visit and route around the city.

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